Elmira Discipleship Ministries is out of God’s heart, and sustains and grows through like-minded people giving and committing financially. Through your financial partnership and support, these things happen:
We have seen Christ do so many miracles-relational, financial, physical, mental, emotional-we cannot help but to thank God! And YOU are a part of that!
Now, we are asking that you consider joining us for more, as part of what God is doing to train up and equip Christians who walk more in the fullness of Christ., loving the city and blessing the poor in our region.
Elmira Discipleship Ministries needs people who will commit $10.00 monthly (that’s 2 Venti-drinks at Starbucks or one meal out) or more to sustain this ministry.
Without normal paycheck-to-paycheck people giving, we cannot carry on. This ministry is not about the giants, it is about the giant killers, as in everyday Christians giving of what God has called them to give. Some have much, some not as much. But the question of giving is never the amount, but about your YES to God.
$10, $20, or $30 each month is a significant monthly contribution that will impact many lives for the name of Christ.
Some can give $10 by faith, and others $300 monthly by faith, but it is all to God’s glory!
Thank you for praying and asking God, and thank you for giving unto The Lord
Elmira Discipleship Ministries is a New York State 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Any donations made are tax deductible.